Friday, May 26, 2017

What inspired you when you were ten?

Don't hold back your curiosity, your talent, your words, your passion, your enthusiasm. Your dreams. In short, your awesomeness. Pour yourself into the things that inspire you, that make you pure and holy and alive, like a kid again. The things that bring joy. And tell that girl you love her. :op

There are things you want to do in life.

There are things you wish you could do.

There are things you forgot you even wanted to do.

And those dreams fell asleep under the weight of the "shoulds" placed on your shoulders.

Shake off the "shoulds" and wake up those old dreams.

Embrace the fire that put those dreams in your heart. Re-find the purity of your original dreams.

What inspired you when you were ten?

What makes you feel alive and excited about life?

The one who created you put dreams in your heart, encoded your DNA with special talent, and placed challenges in your path to grow you into the amazing person you are.

You can do it.

With His help.