It may be nighttime, but this penguin is not sleepy.
The teddy bear and blankie are purely for security reasons.
But it might consider the option of going to sleep if you read it a bedtime story.
Preferably a fairy tale, with a happy ending.
. . .

If you'd like to support this penguin's modeling career, head over to:
Spoonflower's Animal Portrait Tea Towels Challenge
(voting ends June 18th)
... and wade through hundreds of animal portraits to find this penguin, and vote for it! :-D
If you're up to the, er, challenge, that is. ;-)
If it gets enough votes, then it will go up for sale on Spoonflower / Roostery.com.
If not, sadly, it may have to wait until I were actually making money for my artwork, to pay the proofing fee. ;-)